July 2012
In this Month’s Newsletter:
- Monthly Electronic Deal
- The New Monitor Everyone Should Have
- Tech Tip Brought to you by Alandale Training
- This Montth in Tech History
- July Events in and Around Vancouver
Monthly Electronic Deal
Each month we will supply you with a product that we believe is a great deal and may suit your business or personal needs. This is an opportunity for you to save time and energy shopping around for what’s best at the best price, because we have done it for you!

Price: $1299.00 CAD
*prices does not include HST, Office Suite or deployment labour
If interested contact the sales team at [email protected]
The New Monitor Everyone Should Have
Click this link to read the latest review on this great new monitor.
Dell UltraSharp U2412M Monitor
Brought to you by Alandale Training a great resource online for tips and on-site computer training courses in Vancouver, BC. Visit their site at www.alandaletraining.com.
As I work on a spreadsheet in Excel I find I sometimes want to record why I entered a specific value in the cell or what a complex formula does. Comments let you do both of these things.
To add a comment to a cell:
1. Right-click on the cell
2. Select Insert Comment
3. Key in the text and then click outside the comment box
A small red triangle (the comment indicator) appears on the top right corner of the cell. To display the comment, move the mouse pointer over the cell.
To edit or delete the comment, right-click on the commented cell and select Edit Comment or Delete Comment.
Now you can capture the thought process behind all those great spreadsheets!
If you liked this tip click here to join the Alandale Training Mailing List to receive more great tech tips.
This Month in Tech History
July 10th, 1856 – Nikola Tesla is Born
July 27th, 1866 – Trans-Atlantic Cable connect America to Europe with the telegraph.
July 20th, 1969 – Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon.
July 26th, 1989 – Robert Tappan Morris is the first person to be indicted under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Here are some fun events happening in and around Vancouver.
July events in and around Vancouver!
Thanks for reading and have a great July!